The Holy Sculpture, PRAMASHWAR-The Infinite was unveiled on 27th September 2023 at Piazza Duomo on completion of work
September, 2023
The Holy Sculpture, PRAMASHWAR-The Infinite was unveiled on 27th September 2023 at Piazza Duomo on completion of work
RAI 3, Italian National TV Chanel featured the Project, PRAMASHWAR-L’Infinito in the series Medditerraneo
November, 2023
RAI 3, Italian National TV Chanel featured the Project, PRAMASHWAR-L’Infinito in the series Medditerraneo broadcasted on 19th November, 2023 ( The project comes after 20:15 minutes in this LINK)
DAP Festivals choreographed performance to showcase the purity of Divine love to pay tribute to PRAMASHWAR - THE INFINITE
January, 2022
Dance has its own language. Internationally acclaimed DAP festivals choreographed special dance performance involving artists from Italy, Norway and US to showcase the purity of Divine love to pay tribute to PRAMASHWAR- The Infinite
Touring partial details
Touring : Un santone indù, Yogiraj Sarkar Godariwale Shri Nand Lal Ji, vissuto nel villaggio di Dhal-Dhola nel Gujarat, tra il 1874 e il 1940, è rinato a Pietrasanta (Lucca).
December, 2020
TOURING- a national Italian magazine featured PRAMASHWAR-The Infinite in the December edition , 2020 enticing the art enthusiasts to visit Pietrasanta to see the colossal sculpture of the Saint.
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Group Saint Photo
Finistressularte: Pramashwar - The Infinite
October, 2020
A widely read online art magazine in Italy, Finistressularte, published an article about the project, Pramashwar – The Infinite in October, 2020. The article expounded on the life sketch of the Saint and the making of magnum opus in Pietrasanta
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Saint Photograph
The Versilia Lifestyle : Scultura realizzata a Pietrasanta sarà collocata in tempio in India
October, 2020
Sculpture made in Pietrasanta will be placed in a temple in India

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